
输入ChatGPT4o对话框:写一个SPRing Boot Vue实现的停车管理系统论文大纲,并详细描述了其具体章节。


10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第1张

10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第2张


10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第3张

输入ChatGPT4o对话框:指令 需要减肥的段落(参考文中的例子)可以完成减肥。


Please rephrase this passage by adjusting the word order, modifying the length, and substituting synonyms to avoid any sequence of eight consecutive words that match the original text, ensuring that the revised content is more logical and adheres to academic standards. 请改写这段话,通过调整语序增减字数,替换同义词,避免连续八个字与原文相同的句子,使这段话更有逻辑,符合论文的标准。

10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第4张


Please assist me in reorganizing the following sentence by adjusting its logical structure, employing active and passive voice interchange, synonym replacement, and paraphrasing with near-synonyms to rewrite the sentence. Additionally, break down complex sentences and reduce rePEtition. Provide only the corrected version of the text. 通过调整句子逻辑,使用主动被动替换、同义词替换、近义词替换等方式,请帮助我重新组织以下句子,与此同时分解长句,减少重复,请只提供更正版本的文本。

10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第5张


Please reduce the repetition in the following content by adjusting the order of words, modifying the length, and substituting synonyms to avoid any sequence of eight consecutive words that match the original text, ensuring that the passage is more logical and adheres to the standards of academic writing. 以下内容请减少重复率,通过调整语序增减字数,替换同义词等方式,避免连续8个字相同的句子出现在原文中,使这个段落更有逻辑,符合论文的规范。

10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第6张


Please rewrite this passage by adjusting the order of words, increasing or decreasing the number of words, and substituting synonyms to avoid any sequence of three consecutive words that match the original text. Ensure that the revised passage is more logical and adheres to the standards of academic writing. Then, expand upon the content. Finally, condense it to fit the style of an academic paper. 请改写这段话,通过调整语序增减字数,替换同义词,避免连续三个字与原文相同的句子,使这段话更有逻辑,符合论文的标准。然后再进行扩写。然后再进行扩写。最终缩写,符合论文风格。

10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第7张


Kindly replace key terms in this section with appropriate synonyms to reduce similarity and enhance originality without compromising the meaning or academic integrity. 请将本节中的关键字替换为合适的同义词,在不影响意义或学术完整性的情况下,降低相似性,增强原创性。

10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第8张


Rewrite the sentences in this paragraph by changing the grammatical constructions and incorporating alternative expressions to avoid any sequence of five consecutive words that are identical to the original. 请改变句法结构,加入替代表达方式,在这一段中重写句子,避免连续五个字与原文完全相同的情况。

10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第9张


Reorganize the logic of this argument by restructuring sentences and paragraphs, ensuring that the flow of ideas is coherent and distinct from the original text. 为了保证思想的流畅性和与原文不同,请重构句子和段落的逻辑。

10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第10张


Revise this section by integrating new ideas and perspectives, rephrasing to ensure that the content is unique and adheres to academic standards of citation and originality. 为了保证内容的独特性,请通过整合新的想法和视角来修改本节,重新表达,并且符合学术引用和原创标准。

10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第11张


Please help me to show the following content in the form of 3 large points and 4 small points。请帮助我以3点、4点的形式展示以下内容。

10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第12张


Explain the concepts in YOUr own words after understanding their meaning, to reduce the reliance on the original text and increase the level of original thought. 为了减少对原文的依赖,提高原创思维水平,请在理解其含义后用自己的话来解释概念。

10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第13张



10篇顶级论文减肥指令,让你的论文减肥到1.9%。  第14张


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