一座新型现代化工厂的诞生!建筑垃圾“变废为宝”  第1张


At the CNC center of Hunan Rongcheng Environmental PRotection Technology Co., Ltd., intelligent and digital production technology and the management process can be achieved just through monitoring screens.


As the first national-level industrial park to sPEcialized in the resourceful utilization of construction waste , Rongcheng Environmental Protection is a truly "construction waste factory". The facility deals with various types of waste up to 20 million tons annually, including the demolition debris, renovation waste, engineering refuse, and asphalt road waste. By employing cutting-edge technology like AI-enabled robotic sorting along with advanced processes, it transforms wastes into over a dozen high-quality, eco-friendly recycled building materials, achieving nearly a 100% disposal and utilization rate, thus turning construction waste into treasure.